Why is the Internet Speed Test important?

Any Internet service provider (ISP) you choose for your connection must have Internet access that satisfies the technical requirements listed on the paper your ISP sent you. Your upload speed, download speed, and ping (response time) are some of these metrics.

Although your ISP may have given you various numbers on paper, you will discover that the values differ when you use the internet connection. As a result, you must run a speed test after a specific amount of time in order to determine whether the connection speeds on paper and in real life differ.

Outputs of Speed Test

When completing a speed test on our website, the following results will be displayed to you:

Download Speed

You will initially notice the download speed when you do a speed test. The data download speed to your device is displayed in Mbps, indicating the actual, real-time speed. Your connection to the internet will be faster the higher your download. Most of the time, an asymmetric internet connection is the reason why the download speed is typically higher than the upload speed.

Upload Speed

One of the two fundamental values you will obtain from a speed test is upload speed. The upload speed is expressed in Mbps, just like the download speed. The speed at which data may be uploaded to the Internet is known as upload speed. The greater the upload speed rating, the quicker your data will transfer, which is useful for cloud backups and streaming.

Ping Speed

Ping is the third parameter that you will see. Ping is a millisecond-based indicator of how quickly your internet connection responds. Ping speeds are best when they are lower than other speeds, unlike download and upload speeds, where larger values are preferable. Ping is mostly used by online gamers that require a speedy response from the servers in order to play. They will receive a response from the server more quickly if their ping is lower. A ping is valid if its value falls within the range of 0–40 ms.


Your internet connection's stability is explained by jitter. It uses milliseconds to indicate the variations in the ping value. A steady and high-quality internet connection requires the least amount of jitter feasible. Increased jitter readings are a sign of an unreliable internet connection.

What is an acceptable internet speed after a test?

At least 100 Mbps for downloads and at least 10 Mbps for uploads is considered good speed after the speed test result. You may play online games on numerous devices at once, attend video conferences, and watch Netflix or YouTube with a 100 Mbps connection.