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Late night daycares are childcare facilities that provide care for children beyond traditional daycare hours, usually until late evenings to accommodate parents with non-traditional work schedules. If you need childcare during late night or evening hours, here are some frequently asked questions about late night daycares near you:
Most late night daycares are open until at least 8 or 9 PM to accommodate parents finishing work or commutes. Some may stay open as late as midnight to help parents who work night or evening shifts.
Most late night daycares will accept children from infancy through age 12. Some may have minimum or maximum age limits, so check with individual facilities near you for exact age ranges.
In addition to childcare and supervision, look for late night daycares that offer meals, snacks, activities and enrichment programs to keep kids engaged during long evenings. Homework help may also be available for school-age children.
Expect to pay more than a regular daycare since care is provided outside typical hours. However, many work with families and offer discounted rates for blocks of prepaid visits or regular late night attendance. Get cost estimates from facilities near your location.
Do an online search for "late night daycare" along with your city or ZIP code. Check local parenting websites and Facebook groups as well. You can also drive around your neighborhood to spot facilities with evening operating hours.
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